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Types of Mental Health Professionals

Types of Mental Health Professionals

Niyati Thole341 07-Jul-2022

Types of mental health professionals

 Your doctor may refer you to one of the following mental health professionals:


A psychiatrist is a doctor (M.D. or D.O.) who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of mental illness. Training to become a psychiatrist begins with a four-year medical degree, followed by a one-year internship and at least three years of professional training as a psychiatrist.

 As a doctor, a psychiatrist has the right to prescribe. Many mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, and bipolar disorder, can be effectively treated with certain medications. When you work with a psychiatrist, much of the treatment may focus on medication management. Medications may be enough to treat mental illness. Sometimes a combination of medication and psychotherapy or counseling is necessary. In this case, the psychiatrist may provide psychotherapy, or the psychiatrist may refer you to a counselor or other type of psychotherapist.


Psychologists have a Ph.D., PsyD, or EdD degree in Psychology. This includes examining the mind and behavior. The graduate school provides training to psychologists in the assessment and treatment of mental and emotional disorders. After completing graduate school, clinical psychologists complete a 2-3 year internship for further training in therapy, psychological theory, and behavioral therapy.

 Qualified psychologists are eligible to provide counseling and psychotherapy, conduct psychological tests, and treat mental disorders. But they are not doctors. This means that, except in some states, psychologists cannot prescribe or perform medical procedures. Oftentimes, psychologists work with psychiatrists or other doctors who provide treatment for mental illness, and psychologists provide psychotherapy.

 Licensed Mental Health Counselor.

Mental Health Counselors are mental health professionals with a Master's (MA) degree in Psychology, Counseling, or related disciplines. Additionally, after graduating from graduate school, a professional counselor will need another two years of experience to have experience working with a qualified psychologist. Mental health counselors have the right to evaluate and treat mental health problems through counseling or psychotherapy.

 Clinical social worker.

Clinical social workers hold at least a master's degree in social work and education to be able to assess and treat mental illness. In addition to psychotherapy, social workers can provide case management and discharge planning, and advocate for patients and their families.

 Psychiatric or mental health nurse.

Some nurses have specialized training in providing mental health services. Depending on the level of education and accreditation, patients may be screened for mental illness and treated in the form of psychotherapy. Some states also allow the prescription and supervision of drugs, sometimes independently and sometimes under the supervision of a physician. Nurses also provide case management services and act as advocates for patients.

An inquisitive individual with a great interest in the subjectivity of human experiences, behavior, and the complexity of the human mind. Enthusiased to learn, volunteer, and participate. Always driven by the motive to make a difference in the sphere of mental health - and normalize seeking help through a sensitive and empathetic approach

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